Amplifying Black Stories

On Wednesday, January 13, 2021, Founder Shaunie Grigsby partnered with #sharethemicmn on to share her story and journey with Flava Cafe as well as to shed light on the disparities that currently exist for black and brown youth in education and employment.

Flava Cafe was partnered with food blogger Lauren Fahey of minneappleeats and over the course 24 hours the Shaunie shared content with followers of @minneappleeats including live segments and storytelling through posts. Through this partnership we hoped to increase awareness of the mission and work of Flava Cafe to a broader audience, especially one that would not be a traditional follower of Flava. For all the highlights on this, check out @flavacafemn on Instagram.

The mission of #SHARETHEMICMN is to amplify the work, lives, and stories of dynamic Brown/Black women residing in Minnesota by expanding the reach of their voices. Through storytelling, exposure, and relationship development, the #SHARETHEMICMN campaign strives to make Minnesota a more inclusive and equitable state. @sharethemicmn.


Creating Careers with Coffee